Disc Ploughs
Disc plough is mounted to tractor’s hydraulic lifting unit and universal three point linkage system. With this plough you don’t need to change the lids according to the kind of ground like in the lidded ploughs. Instead of this you can easily regulate the way and situation of the discs in the disc ploughs. There is less chance to choke in disc ploughs with seed or manure. In rocked area discs are wearied less then lidded ploughs. lidded ploughs are entering to the ground like dagger because of this there can be rolling over the stones. In disc ploughs if you penetrate in an improper time there is no muddy position in high moisture. But in the lidded plough you need less drawing power like %25 -30 then lidded plough. Chassis is made of 120 x 120 x 8 mm square profile or 6” x5 mm pipe and the type of square profile chassis you can increase the number of the discs.